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Meet Up and Grow Your Culture!

Meeting narratives enable you to

have well-informed discussions

and make better decisions

on major topics in just 90 minutes.

Here is how a meeting narrative works:

1) Schedule a 90 min meeting (using the provided agenda)

2) Read the provided 6-page narrative together for 20 minutes

3) Discuss + Decide (along the provided structure)

The Meeting to Improve All Meetings
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Meetings – a necessary evil, it seems. But are they always necessary? And do they have to be so long, tiresome and poorly structured? – With this meeting narrative and ten tools for best practices, you can set up a guided dialogue to improve your meetings. The results you create will make your meeting culture more efficient, effective and fun.

Meeting narratives are short texts, which are prepared in advance of a meeting, to describe a problem, provide background information, data, options and arguments on a certain topic. These narratives are usually created by the organizer of a meeting and are read at the beginning of a meeting in silence by each participant - and they replace powerpoint presentations, which are usually not great to convey information.

This narrative introduces the idea of meeting narratives in your company and showcases the idea immediately, while adding a lot of ideas and techniques to improve meeting culture in your company in general.

With this PDF-file, you get:

●  6-page narrative full of insights and best practices
●  1 concise guide on how to conduct a narrative-driven meeting
●  1 template for a clear agenda
●  1 template for taking minutes efficiently
●  10 tools for great meetings

You will get a PDF (575KB) file

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What wise people are saying about meetings

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Meetings are indispensable when you don't want to do anything.

— John Kenneth Galbraith

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The majority of meetings should be discussions that lead to decisions.

— Patrick Lencioni

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Meetings should have as few people as possible, but all the right people.

— Charles W. Scharf

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Meetings are the linchpin of everything. If you had an hour to investigate a company, I'd watch their executive team in a meeting. If they are clear and focused and have the board on the edge of their seats, it's a good company worth investing in.

— Patrick Lencioni

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Meetings should be like salt - a spice sprinkled carefully to enhance a dish, not poured recklessly over every forkful. Too much salt destroys a dish. Too many meetings destroy morale and motivation.

— Jason Fried

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It must be an awfully good meeting to beat having no meeting at all.

— Boyd K. Packer

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